Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Life is a privelege, not a right. Sometimes, too often, we forget that. I wish that every morning I woke with a positive attitude and remembered that living for today...... really living- is my main focus. The moments that I share with my family are the memories our future is made of.  I am trying to make more of an effort to let the dishes sit in the sink for an hour longer just to catch an hour worth of smiles and giggles with my little moose. The house surely won't clean itself; dinner doesn't magically appear, but those are all things that can wait. My family however, cannot.


Cooper is 8 months and boy, has he found his personality! He definitely gets it from his, uh-hem.....mother. He knows what he wants and is head strong. While he cannot talk, he still is able to communicate. He yells, grunts, screams, growls, cries, laughs or smiles when he wants our attention. He has both of us wrapped around his finger and I believe he knows it!


Our poor dog, Jack, was hit by a car early yesterday morning. Both of the bones in his front leg are broken and require the placement of pins to heal. He is in surgery as I type this, anxiously awaiting the call from the vet to say he is going to be ok. His recovery will be around 2 months and we are hoping he will be back to normal, without a limp.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Going Through the Motions

Robotic is a great way to describe my current mental status. I am completing the last 10 hours of a 60 hour work week. An emergency came up at work and I was more than happy to take charge. I have always been anal and NEEDED to have control in all situations! (Ask anyone who knows me.) At this point, I am going through the motions and waiting for 6 o'clock to roll around. Luckily this week has been low impact and has actually sped by. Cooper is a trooper, and has adjusted well to the schedule. He is at home today with his daddy and I am missing him terribly.


We paid our last respects to a friend this week. He passed away suddenly at the young age of 24. There are no words to describe the hurt I feel for his family and close friend's. He was a man who was always smiling and willing to help anyone in need. "To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord." We will always remember your smile Derek.


Cooper is growing faster than ever lately. He is more aware of his surroundings; taking in everything as he views it in this world. He is not crawling yet, but he pushes up on his arms as well as his knees. Performing these two acts at the same time proves to be difficult for the little moose!

Spring is quickly approaching and with it comes sun, fresh cut grass, bare baby legs and days outside with the family. We had a photo shoot with Aunt CoCo in the warm sunshine and got our little piggies a little dirty in the surprisingly green grass.

Luckily I have a little warrior child. His brain and body must have an extremely high pain tolerance. He has never cried upon receiving shots, bumping his head or teething. Surgery proved to be a breeze also. Healing went as planned and all looks to be normal. -- I can't believe the time is approaching; the time to begin planning his first birthday party. Something I swore wouldn't be a big deal but inevitably will be "the party" that all babies on the block will be babbling about for years to come! (OK, let's not go that far!)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thankful for Today

At some point during each week I have an "ah-ha" moment. I wake up and realize that today, I am thankful.

                : conscious of benefit received
                : expressive of thanks
                : well pleased
                : feeling or showing gratitude

Thankful for my husband who loves me in an unconditional way that only a husband can. He is able to see past my imperfections and silly inconsistencies. He is my backbone and believes in me when no one else seems to be around. He has blessed me with a life that I love and am happy to live, and with a baby boy that has brought new meaning to my existence.

               : a male participant in a marriage
               : a manager
               : a cultivator, a tiller

Thankful for my little Moose, Cooper. Everything that I do in this life is for his benefit. He came into this world and helped me understand that love at first sight does exist. Loving someone more than you love yourself has never been so natural, so immediate. Today I am thankful because Cooper doesn't experience emotional pain; he does not know what it is to feel fear. He is the best thing I have done in my life. I am proud to be a mother. It fills my heart with pride and joy to know that I alone, am his protector- his guardian.

      : a male offspring
      : the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity

Thankful for a family that sticks together no matter what. My mom, dad, brother and sister are four of the most amazing people I know. They each are unique, yet so much alike. There is an unconditional love between a family that you are unable to find anywhere else. The support we give each other is beyond measure. We are family, but we are the best of friend's also.

             : two or more people who share goals and values
             : have long term commitments to one another
             : all members of a household under one roof