Friday, February 25, 2011


Our day consisted of hurry up and wait. Today was Cooper's surgery and as anyone who has been a patient will tell you, it always consists of hurrying to wait. We were scheduled to arrive at Cincinnati Children's Medical Center no later than 9:30am. Cooper was able to nurse as late as 7am thankfully, and was showing no signs of hunger upon arrival. We were triaged and taken to our room where they went through his medical history and obtained his vital signs. Everyone that works at Children's (those that we came in contact with) are so enjoyable to be around. You can tell they love what they do and strive to make each child's experience as positive as possible. We met with anesthesia and the urologist performing his procedure and were informed that surgery would begin "promptly" at 11:08am, last 83 minutes from start to finish and not go over 12:24pm! Talk about precision. Zach was counting down the minutes until they would come and whisk Cooper away and I reminded him that we were on hospital time- where everything happens an hour later than scheduled.

At 11:30am the surgical nurse came to take Cooper. We were able to walk him to the operating room doors and give him "night night" kisses as we handed him off to the anesthesiologist. This must have been the hardest part for us. Leaving our child with a room full of people he does not know, to be intubated and put to sleep. Only to wake up confused, in pain, surrounded by a room full of more people he's not familiar with. Tears filled my eyes as the doors closed and I watched my baby stare me down, wondering where his mommy and daddy were going.

We sat in same day surgery waiting where there is a strange sense of "family." Although we are blessed to have a child that is "healthy as a horse", as one doctor put it, we were nonetheless in the same boat as all the other concerned family members. In that moment I scanned the room, studying each person with wonder. A woman approached us to ask what our son was having done, and I vaguely explained Cooper's procedure. She replied that her 18 year old son was having a kidney removed and started to cry. We wished her and her family well as she took a seat. It was at that moment that I remembered just how blessed we really are. Here I was, carrying guilt for having my 6  month old in surgery for something that he will never remember, while she was waiting on her son to have a kidney removed. The next time I studied the faces in the room, I looked closer and realized there were much larger issues being faced than what we were going through. Blessed is an understatement.

Once out of surgery we met with the urologist who informed us that everything went as planned and Cooper would be waking up shortly. We met Cooper in the recovery area and held him as he slept.

Our day was eventful and filled with stress and anxiety, but it was just that- one day. I have the utmost respect for those parenting a chronically ill child. The bravery that you must exemplify for not only your child, but also your family while going through something so drastic is exhausting to say the least.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We Made It

 Our mini-vacation was a success. We traveled 5 hours south to Gatlinburg, TN with a six month old and a 23 month old. I am proud to say- we made it! Cooper is such a great traveler and I now have high hopes for the drive we will make this summer for a beach vacation. Our cabin was beautiful and in a great location. We spent Friday at the Tanger Outlet mall updating Cooper's wardrobe. Saturday was a day spent driving through the Smoky Mountains and enjoying the warm sunshine while strolling the streets of Gatlinburg.


In two days our baby boy will be having surgery. We have known this day was coming since his first week of life, but now that it is here I am ready to back out. While this is a minor surgery to his doctor's, no surgery is ever "minor" when it is your child. We hold all of the fear for our baby, because he does not know what it is to be fearful. For this- I am thankful. After all is said and done he will have no memory of this day. Again, I find myself being thankful.
Today was Cooper's first taste of pineapple. We used our mesh feeder as he is able to hold it himself. I fed him pieces of my turkey breast (low sodium) from lunch and he seemed to enjoy the new flavors. We enjoy introducing new foods to him and witnessing his facial expressions. He is open to trying everything and usually enjoys all foods.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Letter From Cooper

Dear Grandma & Grandpa Angel,

I am missing you bunches!! Mommy and Daddy tell me you will be home soon, but they have said that since Christmas. Are you really coming home soon?!

I am getting SOOOO BIG!! (Ask my mawmaw. She puts my arms in the air and says, "How big is Cooper?! SOOOO BIG!") I can sit on my own, although sometimes I fall. I am eating big people food when my mommy will let me. She has given me bananas, chocolate pudding (sugar free of course!), and pretzels. I am rolling all over the place and I love to blow raspberries. My hair is finally starting to grow, but it is so blonde I still look bald. (Kind of like you, Grandpa Russ!) I'm not quite ready to crawl, but I push up on my arms and turn in circles on my belly. It won't be long!

I know the weather is very pretty in Florida, but it's time for you to come home! I will be having surgery on February 25th, and should be all better by the time you are home.

Can't wait.

Love you bunches,

Master Cooper S. Hon
(Translated by Mommy)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Aunt's Have an Unconditional Kind of Love

.....Or so we thought! Almost every weekend mom, Courtney, Cooper and I venture out to run errands, have lunch and enjoy each other's company.

While browsing the baby aisle at the local Meijer, Aunt CoCo took charge of baby Cooper. I deemed him in capable hands and....well...this was the end result-

My baby BOY had been snatched and potentially confused!  Aunt CoCo had attempted to make Cooper a girl, and as you can clearly see- he is ALL BOY!!!!

We are taking our first family vacation this weekend. While it is only a short trip to Gatlinburg, TN, it is still our first as a family. The weather looks promising and we can't wait to get outside with our little moose. We have rented a cabin for Thurs-Sun with the Carroll's and plan to have a relaxing time with great friend's.

Happy Valentine's Day to all.

Friday, February 4, 2011

To the Doctor we go

Six months later and Cooper's statistics are as follows:

Weight- 20lbs. 4oz.
Height- 29in.

He, undoubtedly, is a healthy baby boy. He is off the charts for his height, and actually on the "slim" side (according to the doctor) for his weight. As for the immunizations he received today- not even a peep! (Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you baby!) We were given the okay to begin giving him finger foods. Anything that we eat and does not require chewing, he is allowed to eat with us. What an exciting time! It comes with more work, but he enjoys food so much that it makes it fun.

Milestones this week include consistently rolling onto his stomach. Once on his stomach he remembers why he originally learned a way out of this position. He rolls onto his back, then to his stomach. He repeats this cycle a few times, until he is exhausted and settles for laying on his back. It won't be much longer and we will be chasing him all over the house.