Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where has the time gone?!!

Like every attempt I have made at maintaining a blog, I have let so much time pass without updating. It is time to get back in the swing of things, and when better to start, than today?!

Moose is now 13 months old. Approximately 11 days away from being 14 months. He started walking just 2 days after he turned 1, and is all over the place now. It is amazing to watch him become more comfortable with every step he takes. He has realized that his hands are very useful and should not be used as a mode of transportation. By walking upright he is able to open all of the drawers in our kitchen and throw the contents on the floor. He can open the door to our bedroom (yes, at 13 months we already have to find a way to child-proof our basement door!), and search table tops with those precious little (sticky) fingertips to yank my place mats off. What an active boy he is! We quickly learned that if there is dead silence in our home, you better find out what Coop is up to.

 After carting Coop to work with me for a little over a year we decided it was time for a change. He started attending a local daycare named Little Explorers and is at the youngest age required for his class. The kids are as old as 24 months in his group and I have found that he has learned a lot from them. He does not want mommy and daddy to feed him, for he is a big boy now, and feeds himself! He loves Little Explorers and has made many new friend's. I am blessed to have found something so close to home that has employees who love my boy almost as much as we do. Granted, since starting daycare we have have more illness in our home. He was diagnosed with Roseola within the first week, and is now being treated for an ear infection.

These pics were done by Sadie Collins for his first birthday.

Zach and I are quickly approaching our second anniversary. Our family has grown exponentially in more ways than one the past two years. We have so much to be thankful for. Our love is stronger than ever, and if I am lucky, I will continue to say that year after year.

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